Chapter 29: Titans of Fun

POV: Gabby


July 19, 2008

Earlier in the week I was stupid. Andrew, Jack, and Zac were all having some video game marathon and somehow the subject of Six Flags came up. When they asked me I should have lied but I didn’t, I said I’d never been to one and that the fair was about my extent of thrill rides. Well, that did not fly with any of them and within an hour they had a hotel booked and we drove down yesterday. They only booked one double bed room, which was actually okay.

Zac had been fine with this arrangement until an hour ago when he woke up incredibly horny and realized that they were both still asleep and he didn’t like the idea that they would wake up and catch us. Yet, his problem solving skills kicked in and before long we were in the bathroom, yet it was still fucking hard to be quiet! The bathroom wall wasn’t that sound proof. His only problem, once we were done, showered, and dry we had nothing to put on. He wrapped a towel around him and got us clothes quietly. Yet, when I came out the other two were sitting up.

“For the record, the bathroom walls are not that thick. I want no details.” Jack said.

“Speak for yourself. Are you seriously wearing that?”

Zac had brought me the shirt Stella had given me for Christmas, white with a red heart on the front and he’d brought me white khaki shorts. I saw nothing wrong with what I had on, I was pairing it with some white sandals.

“I’m not telling anyone what happened in the bathroom and yes, I am. Why?”

“No particular reason.”

Zac came out dressed in black shorts and the grey, Everybody Else shirt. He sat down in the chair and complained about his hair so I just took the brush, it had gotten so long, so quick. It was insane. The other two got their morning showers and got ready, Andrew came out first in just his boxers and Zac gave him a odd look, but before he could say anything I kissed him.

“It’s okay.”

Andrew chose brown shorts and a bright, neon yellow shirt that had a smiley face on the front, Jack stuck to rather tight khaki shorts in black and a white wife beater shirt. We got breakfast at the hotel and then walked across the street to the park. There had been some that I saw coming in that had terrified me, but I hadn’t said anything. Once we were inside Andrew suggested a water ride but everyone shut him down, it wasn’t even 10 yet. I followed them to the Conquistador, which just kind of rocked back and forth, it was awesome. The next ride was the La Vibora and I was sketchy, because there was no track.

“What if we come out of that little round tube?”

“We won’t.” Andrew said.

“But what if we do?”

“Then Zac here will save you and be the hero of the day.” Jack said.

“Of course.” Zac said.

I was nervous as fuck but the ride itself wasn’t that bad, couple times I just swore we were going to roll our way right over the top but we didn’t. El Aserradero was the next one, this was a semi-water ride. We would be floating in a tube like track, no chance of coming out hopefully. It was still early so the line wasn’t huge but like always, there were fans. Zac did seem annoyed with a group of girls let others in front of them just to be right in front of us.

“Is this normal?” Jack asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, it is. Are the lines always this way?”

“No. The lines will get longer as the day goes on. Popular rides will have at least an hour wait.” Andrew said.

“We could have gotten the Rapid Pass.”

“Naa, Zac wanted me to have an authentic experience.” I said.

The fans were asking questions about the tour, the new EP which they were recording the next two weeks, they asked about any new merchandise and as the line slowly moved I was wondering if they were ignoring me on purpose, not that I cared. Although when Zac got tired of answering questions he struck up a conversation with Andrew and Jack about the game they played earlier this week. Only then did they notice me and the pointing and the giggling started.

I sighed, I guess the fans would never like me. Why was I even bothering to be nice and try to please them? I would have to share him during the tour, I had to share him even now. They even proved me right because when his conversation with them clearly was coming to an end, they grabbed his attention again. I simply followed, what else could I do?

“How many times have you been here?” I asked.

I was kind of hoping to get my husband’s attention, but Andrew and Jack were appreciated too.

“I’ve been to this one a few times, also one in Georgia and Coney island, which is way better. But, this one is closer.” Jack said.

“I’ve been to all but the Georgia one and I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been here.” Andrew replied.

I glanced at Zac hoping he would answer, but he obviously hadn’t heard me, even if he did look bored. He’d told them at least ten times he couldn’t tell them about the EP, Tour, or anything else. I was so glad when we reached the boarding area, but they tried to pull him into their group and that was not going to work. I moved in front of him and put my hands on either side, blocking him. I was drawing a line there, he would only ride with me.

When their little boat thing had moved away he leaned down. “Thank you.”

The actual boat thing was shaped like a log with a padded seat down the middle, no belts or buckles, no separation.

“Dude, I am not sitting behind Zac.” Jack said.

“We can take two.” Zac said.

“We can put you in the back then her, we’re brothers it’s not entirely weird.” Andrew said.

That settled seating and when we got in Zac sat down in the back and I settled down right in front of him.

“Pretty sure that’s your favorite place to be anyway Zac.” Andrew said.

“Always.” He said.

Jack groaned and we were off. It was a little rocky, I wasn’t entirely sure about that. The first little mini-drop came out of nowhere and when Andrew yelped I didn’t bother to apologize. I briefly heard Zac giggle but he did pull me back against him.

“There is another one at the end.”

“Like that?”

“Taller, but you’re okay.”

The splashing hadn’t been bad and I kind of liked the way he held me during the ride, that last drop wasn’t all that pleasant, but Zac’s arms around me was. Andrew had to buy the photo though, why? Apparently we looked cozy and Jack looked terrified. He really was a strange guy. Andrew chose a ride with tea cups for seats, it was called the La Fiesta de las Tazos, the tea cups spun if you moved around the center and of course, Zac and Jack looked a little green when it was over because Andrew and I spun the hell out of the seat.

“Never riding that with them again!” Jack said.

We only smiled and moved on. We rode a strange ride that was called El Sombrero, it was a hat shaped ride and it tilted and kind of did a up and down motion, Zac put me on the inside, I found out why quickly. He never minded when I was squished against him, and I couldn’t stop myself from sliding. It was fun though. We caught a show after that, a moment to cool off and relax before heading on to more rides. The line for the wooden coaster, the Texas Giant was long and it’s where they went next.

“I don’t know about this one.”

“No loops, it just goes up, down, and around.” Zac said.

I was still feeling iffy and that feeling didn’t go away when the same group of girls from the water ride earlier found their way back to us. Did they put a tracker or something on him? I get it, there fans and he’s accessible right now, but common courtesy said to let him enjoy his time off! They talked and mostly gossiped about rumors for the entire hour and a half we were in line. Andrew and Jack were even glassy eyed by the time we reached the front of the line and I think Zac was asleep standing up. They really were simply ignoring that I was present and when the blonde one got his hand and did her best seductive smile I about lost it. Who the fuck did she think she was? Yet, Zac coolly removed her hand, without ever touching any other part of her but her hand.

“Sorry, I’ll be riding this one with my wife. I am sure you can handle it alone.”

“You’re wife? I am sure she can handle waiting for you to return.”

He shook his head. “No. I’m not riding this with you. I’ll ride with her.”

He stepped away and Andrew moved forward, blocking any further attempts and once their seats were gone I looked at him.

“You did good.”

“I knew they’d ask, but I came with you and I’m not riding anything with anyone but you, Jack and Andrew. I’d much prefer you though.”

“I guess I am chopped liver, I see.” Andrew said.

I giggled. “Yeah, he knows what I can do and what you won’t.”

“Ah, very true. I can’t blame him for choosing you.”

Turns out there were two sets of cars, so they were on the ride when we boarded and I could feel myself shaking.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m nervous and scared. I haven’t been on anything like this before.”

“You’ll be fine, honey. Remember, no loops, no upside downs. It’s just up, down, and around.”

“Yeah, it’s the up and down part that worries me.”

He got my hand and never let go, which helped but the ride was a little more than up, down and around as the around were more vertical rounds which was unnerving considering not much was holding me in. Not that I recalled much because the first drop pretty much done it for me. It made me feel nauseous and sick, but I didn’t throw up which was good. I just wasn’t sure I could handle another coaster at all. I was still shaking when we got off the ride, even as I followed them blindly, still holding Zac’s hand. But then I realized they were headed to the Titan and my eyes followed the first hill and I felt faint just looking at it.

“I can’t…”

“I’ll be with you.” Zac said.

“I’ll wait with you but I can’t Zac.”

“Gabby.” He said.

“It’s okay Zac, we can ride this one without her. I mean, damn dude, ease her into the coasters before you throw her to the wolves. The titan is very tall and if she’s shaken up by that one then maybe it’s best she sat this one out. I mean, really, she can wait right there.”

The Texas Giant had my heart racing, my hands were still trembling and I was still feeling a little sick. There was no way I wanted to get on this one, I was positive it would make me sick as hell assuming I didn’t pass out. Yet, as we got in line I noticed Andrew nearly run Zac over to be ahead of us and I quickly found why, the four girls that had been in line with us twice, were there and letting people ahead again.

Jack grabbed Andrew’s shirt and he stopped, confused.

“Let’s wait a few minutes, she’s shaking really bad I can see it.”

He turned and came back, kind of blocked my view. “She is shaking but really you just want them to get buried in line, Jack.”

“I cannot handle another hour of them talking his ear off. My god their voices are driving me insane.”

“I concur.” I said.

I wondered if Jack was perceptive and picking up that while I wasn’t saying anything, it was bothering me that they were occupying his time here. I didn’t complain, sat down and let my stomach settle while fifty or so people got behind them. It was pleasant to not have them talking non-stop and true to my word I stepped through and they rode together while I waited just on the other side of the exit gate. We grabbed lunch when they got off. Then roamed around to more rides, including going up the tall oil driller to see everything.

“Okay Zac, I’m fucking dying here. We have to ride a water ride so I can cool off.” Andrew said.

“Oh god they have those here?!” I asked.

He finally seemed to agree and only because he was outnumbered, so he maneuvered us to the roaring rapids line.

“You okay Gabby?” Jack asked.

“Just hot, I am kind of wishing I wore less.”

Sure enough, that caught Zac’s attention. “What you wore is just fine, less would be mean to everyone here.”

“I should have worn less.”

“Maybe the ride will help and we can find a air conditioned building.” Jack said.

We finally reached the front of the line and we were put in with a few that were behind us whom didn’t care who Zac was. He sat beside me and buckled us in, least he was aware I was here. This ride had no loops, no tracks but lots of water and it was my luck that it seemed like every steep drop that caused water to flood in was on my side. By the time we were being moved up the ramp to the exit I had water dripping off of me. I rung my shirt out and my hair, he was also soaked but he seemed fine. The others got out first, then Jack helped me out, Zac stood behind me to make sure I didn’t fall back.

“Poor Zac.” Andrew said.

I didn’t understand what he meant, so I followed the exit signs. Jack and Andrew were speed walking ahead and I paused to ring the water out of my shirt to stop it from dripping so bad and Zac turned me against the rail and damn that was a kiss. Took my breath away.

“You really shouldn’t have worn white.”

“Why not?”

He stepped closer to let someone pass by and I could feel him, I hadn’t done anything to cause that reaction, had I?

He leaned down. “Those red thongs and that blue bra.”

“Well, buttercup, you were there when I got dressed.”

He nipped my neck. “But, I can see them now because you’re soaking wet and wearing white.”

I hadn’t even thought about that! I glanced down and sure enough you could see my bra through the shirt, only the red heart was covering the very center.

“Guess that’s what he meant...”

“Yeah, you got up and I knew they were thongs but that was so mean and I can’t do anything here.”

“And you have to deal with it as long as I’m wet.”

He groaned and laid his head down a moment. “That was so fucking mean of you.”

I pulled him a little closer for the next few to leave. “It’s true though.”

“This is not helping…”

I glanced around and really, there was no where that would be acceptable, so I stopped being mean and let him stand there until he could move, then we joined the other two at the end of the exit ramp.

“Seriously? Damn Zac I swore it would take longer.” Jack said.

“Middle of the exit walkway dude, not like I can do what I want.”

“Here were we all worried.”

“I needed a moment alone.” Zac said.

“I’m glad you got it.” Jack said.

“You don’t stop glancing down at that bra you’re going to need more than a moment.” Andrew smirked.

“Bite me Andrew.”

“Okay, let’s go find that other water ride so I can get dry and stop teasing both Zac and everyone else here.”

We made the short walk to the only other water ride here, it was just a big drop but it would be good. I was glad that both the guys had chosen clothes that when wet didn’t show much. I was shocked when Zac laid his hand on my ass, he rarely touched me like that in public! We got up to the front and seated and Andrew chimed in.

“I vote we get a snack after this.”

“I second that.” Jack said.

“I third, Zac you’re outvoted.”

“I was going to agree, but they don’t have the snack I want.”

Andrew groaned. “Fuck Zac, chill man there are kids around.”

I laid my hand on his thigh. “Don’t tempt me.”

I really didn’t get extra wet on this one, until they insisted on standing on the bridge and that totally soaked me and them. I walked off with them with water dripping off my clothes. We did stop for a snack which we had on the way to the Gotham section. I actually wanted to ride the Batman ride the map had showed, but they wanted the swings first. I watched it first and seen them tilt back and that had scared me at the fair with the Ferris wheel.

“I…I will wait for you guys.”

“I’ll just wait here with her, you guys can ride.” Zac said.

I was rather shocked and they got in line, but we moved off to the side alone near the exit.

“You could have ridden with them.”

He sat down on the bench and pulled me down into his lap. I could actually see the girls heading our way pause and stop walking.

“I didn’t want to, I wanted to stay with you. Besides, I’m soaked and that high up I’ll be freezing.”

“By the time they wait they won’t be freezing.”

“Humor me, I just want you all to myself for a few minutes.”

I felt his hand travel to my ass, just lay there and I smiled.

“You are tempting fate with that hand.”

“Maybe I’m just hiding your ass from the guys walking by and starring.”


“Oh no, I know exactly where your ass will be later.”

“In a hotel room with your two friends.”

“There is a bathroom.”

“So naughty. Would they be really mad if we went and rode the Batman without them?”

He giggled. “No. Jack told me earlier we could split up. He knows we don’t get a lot of one on one time. But, I can text and ask.”

Despite the wet clothes our phones were in zip lock bags, I hadn’t understood why earlier, now I did. He shot them both a message and they told us to cut out, they’d meet up or else we’d meet at the front gate at closing. We got in line for the Batman and I was pleased with it, but the Mr. Freeze coaster I couldn’t. It went backwards and I was afraid I’d be sick, batman had made me a little queasy. So we moved around the backside and did some more calmer rides, until we got to the Shock Wave which was a coaster with loops, Batman had them too so I felt confident. Yet, even in the line I could feel him, the reason he was sticking so close.

“You wishing I’d brought black shorts?”

“I do. So evil.”

I wiggled slightly and his fingers dug into my hips and stopped me, I heard the little growl too. I briefly wondered if I could convince him to head to the hotel after this! The ride itself was fine but I saw the ride long before he did and diverted him to the Gold River adventure, which was indoors and barely anyone was in line. I saw the girls from way earlier but they didn’t stop either of us and while we waited I was definitely mean to him in the line, so much I know I was annoying the fuck out of him. The operator sat us alone since there was no one behind us.

“So mean! Are you always this way at public parks?”

I barely gave the ride time to get inside before my hand was in his lap, didn’t even bother to answer him.

“Gabby! What are you doing?!”

He really didn’t need to ask because moments later I had my hand wrapped around him and I think he was somewhere between happy and terrified. Granted, it would be my first time on an amusement ride for anything, but not the first very public space. I also knew this had to be quick, thankfully he was more than ready in moments.

Moving wasn’t a problem, I was more than able to lean over and be comfortable and I also knew exactly what to do to drive him over the edge as quickly as possible, the most sensitive part of him was just beneath the head, on the underside so the right pressure and movement would do it. I could feel his hands in my hair and that growl, I could feel it in this position. I also knew the ride was coming to an end when he pushed my head down, right pressure done it. But, his hand tightening in my hair actually hurt quite a bit.

By the time the boat came to rest at the loading area he was presentable if not a little unsteady when he got out, the attendant seemed mildly concerned but I just smiled and followed him but he stopped half way down and looked at me.

“Does that break me out of the vanilla bubble? God I hope they don’t have cameras.”

“It’s too dark for them and no it doesn’t. When you master sex on a ride then you can say you’ve broken it.”

“Five minutes isn’t enough for that.”

“Oh, you’d be amazed at what can happen in five minutes. But, next time little less on the hair.”

“Next time?” He asked.

I smiled at him. “I am sure all six flags have a ride similar to this one.”

“I can handle that.”

We moved on to other rides and shows, having dinner about 7:30 and then meeting back up with Andrew and Jack about 9. They were headed to the Titan again and I still didn’t know if I could ride it, but I waited with them anyway. It wasn’t until we were standing there at the loading area that Zac kissed my cheek.

“Are you waiting?”


“No? Are you sure?”

“What the hell, I rode Batman, this can’t be any worse, right?”

“Up, down, around.” Andrew said.

“Except the first down is a big down. Don’t let us pressure you Gabs.” Jack said.

“You’re not.”

The only problem was they were in the very front, it’s where Zac had wanted to go. I considered asking to switch to where they were sitting but really, it can’t be that bad! Zac really thought I was going through until I sat down.

“Gabby, are you sure?”


Okay, I wasn’t sure. I was far from sure but I wasn’t going to get up now. I put the seat belt on as tight as I could and the attendant eventually pushed the bar down across my legs, I made sure that was tight too! I didn’t want to budge. Once the attendant checked everyone we were on our way. It wasn’t until we were starting up the hill that I realized it was dark and the ride didn’t have lights.

“Gabby? Are you alright?”


The ascent to the top felt like it took forever and I couldn’t even tell how close we were to the top. I really wanted to get off now. That first drop was way worse than the Texas Giant and then I was going up and around and down and some circle and then it stopped.

“I think I want off now.”

I felt his hand shove the bar down again another two clicks and I just got his hand and held on because fuck we were falling again and banking my way, then another circle. I felt what felt like a hill but honestly that’s the last thing I remember, the next clear memory is the feeling of ice cold water being poured on my face.

“Gabby!” his voice sounded so far away.

There was more cold water and when I opened my eyes I was laying down and Zac and Jack were leaned over, Jack was the one pouring water over my face.

“What happen?”

“You passed out right at the end, no more Titan for you.” Zac said.

“Passed out? I don’t…”

“You had a death grip of my hand and then you didn’t, you passed out.”

They had a medical team there and I gladly let them check me over. Apparently Zac had the forethought to make sure I didn’t get snapped around, but he wanted them to check too.

“You sure know how to liven the party up.” Jack said.

“Glad I could be of assistance.”

“I think you might be done for the day, it’s late anyway.”

“Are we coming back tomorrow?” Andrew asked.

“We can, but that wasn’t the plan.” Zac said.

“I was wondering, I don’t think my arms and shoulders can deal with another day.”

I got up and I was still a little shaken up. I gladly followed them back to the hotel where I could sit down on something that didn’t move. Andrew’s arms were red and he’d gotten a tank top and that made his shoulders red too, Jack was fine he’d used sun block. Zac and I were somewhat red, we had used sun block but not enough. I changed into my night clothes and sat down.

“You feel okay?” Zac asked.

“Tired, but you know that’s expected.”

“Least you didn’t throw up.” Andrew said.

“I think Zac would have preferred that.”

“Oh yeah, I would have because that letting my hand go suddenly was terrifying. I’d even go as to say I’d rather she threw up on me, than pass out.”

“I think it was just because it’s dark, I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t see where I was going or where we were. I seriously thought that stop was it. Maybe if I were farther back or it was daylight.”

“We’ll just temper you in on the coasters. Start small, work up.”

“I enjoyed the ones with loops.”

They all rolled their eyes at me and I smiled a bit. It really had been a good day and I sent Shawn a text to tell him about it and I sent Abby one too. It was still rather late when we went to bed though. I was perfectly fine to curl up beside him and just sleep. Which is what I did.

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