Chapter 5: Fool’s Day

POV: Zac / Gabby

Word Count: 3195

February 18, 2009

I thought Gabby would be bored to tears like Stella and Nicole, quite the opposite occurred. She and Al seemed to mesh really well, he was funny and that was good for her. Sean Tillman and Gabby actually wrote a song together and he recorded it with others last night. She was good about not just butting in, if a group was working she would be respectful toward them. She and Imani didn’t quite hit it off, of course Imani put her hands on me and that was about all it took for Gabby to despise her. I really didn’t think she was that jealous of others.

She’d drawn a few things since we arrived but it really was too cold for her to be outside long at a time, so I often found her sitting by the big bay windows, she’d also gotten reading done having finally gotten through Twilight, Stella would be proud. We were split into groups early and mine was currently recording the song having busted out the lyrics in record time.

“Zac! Where the hell is your wife?” Austin asked.

I glanced at the door. “I have no idea Austin, she’s either still asleep or she’s curled up in some corner.”

Carrick looked at me and then turned my head slightly to the right and Gabby waved from the corner of the couch.

“I’m right here, I’ve been sitting here for like two hours. You guys have just been really focused. What do you need Austin?”

“You have to come see who just arrived.”

“I thought everyone was here.”

“Well, they are but I invited some friends I met a while back.”

Curious I followed Gabby to the front and I could tell by the radiate smile the two men standing there talking to Isaac were people she’d wanted to meet. Austin smiled at me, because I’d kind of wanted to meet them too.

David Draiman and Mike Wengren, the lead singer and drummer from Disturbed. I paused wondering how Austin even remotely knew these men, but the fact that Gabby was just standing there said she was a big fan and evidently never met them.

“Hi, I’m Zac. I didn’t expect either of you.”

“Austin had a mutual friend give us a ring, we’re doing a concert here this weekend. He said that we had a fan that would be here and we really needed to meet her.”

Austin put his arm around her shoulders. “This is Gabriella, Zac’s wife. I don’t think there’s a song she doesn’t know by you guys.”

“Surely there are a few.” Mike said.

Gabby just shook her head. “He got me your new album for Christmas.”

“You know the words?” David asked.

“I know them but I know the drum parts too.”

“I’ve been tortured with that album, not that I mind either. I’m a fan of the music as well.” I said.

“Can’t really say we’re a fan of Hanson, but we have heard of the things and this is a great idea here.”

I rather knew they weren’t, mad respect that they had even heard anything we’d done and I was sure it was courtesy before showing up.

“Where’s the others?” Austin asked.

“They chose not to come with us.”

Gabby was drawn into a conversation with them about the new album, apparently Stricken is still her top four but Indestructible was her new favorite. I’d heard her playing that one a few times myself. They had a long conversation and I’d eventually left her there with them to finish our recording, but when they came in after we were done I was confused.

“They don’t believe I can play it.” She stated.

Boy would they be surprised, she had the CD and asked if the engineer could separate the drums and remove them completely. It took him a few moments to use the CD to complete that task and then she moved into the room with them, I stayed here behind the glass because this was something she should do. I think she blew their minds because neither could believe she knew the song so well.

Added, she’d only listened to the song, she’s never seen the sheet music. They must have been super impressed by her because before they left they asked for a contact e-mail and twenty minutes after they left I found front row tickets and backstage passes to the show Saturday, tickets for everyone but the backstage pass was for she and I only.

“Spill it Austin, you don’t listen to heavy metal.”

He smiled. “A little blue haired birdie used me as a contact.”

“Blue haired birdie name Sierra?”

He nodded. “She doesn’t know them personally but through a friend she use to play with. She was buying her tickets anyway but I guess she doesn’t need them now.”


I sent Sierra a thank you message and informed her she didn’t have to buy the tickets, that the band members had provided them for free along with backstage passes.

WHAT the fuck did she do to get backstage passes?! I’ve tried for YEARS!

Hahah, she’s Gabriella. She played for them without a backing track and nailed it. I guess it impressed them!

Ugh! I knew I should have come… Anyways – don’t tell her I set it up. Just let her think Austin did. Lol

I looked at her smiling, beaming, texting Abby to tell her and probably Sierra too.

Not a problem, thank you. I enjoyed that shock too.

I got a smiley in return and then we got busy again, Gabby spent a long time texting back and forth with whoever she was speaking too. I even saw her post the picture they’d taken with her.

“Hey! BonFire tonight!” Isaac called.

“That’s tonight?” I asked.

“Yep! Gabby…I need your assistance since he’s busy.”

Her smile spread. “I’ll get my jacket.”

She was up and gone in moments and Carrick and Austin laughed. Imani just looked confused.

“She’s a pyromaniac like Zac.” Carrick said.

“She hates me, no idea why.” She said.

“Because you touched me with her there, but she doesn’t hate you. I’ve explained we’re all just friends here.”

“Worth a chance to speak to her again?”

“I’d try. Can’t be too bad.”

She got up and came to stand beside me. “She doesn’t like Jerry or John, that’s for sure.”

“Why do you say that? She’s pretty much gotten along with everyone.”

“Not them. She was drawing and they must have bugged her too much, she told them both to leave her alone. I think maybe John hit on her because I swear she shoved that ring in his face.”

“He asked for her number, she told him to ask you.” Austin said.

“Aw, he must not want it that bad. He’s not asked me.”

“I think…he’d be stupid to ask you for your wife’s number.” Carrick said.

“Not gonna lie, it won’t be that smart of a move.”

“So, what’s next?”

“We have lunch, I’m starving.”

We went to the kitchen to fix ourselves something for lunch and John and Jerry came in, I couldn’t resist.

“Not gonna ask me for Gabby’s number John?”

He got a bag of chips and a Pepsi and then looked at me. “Do I look suicidal to you?”

“No.” I said.

“Then no, I’m not. I wasn’t aware she was your wife until she told me to ask you. I recall that play fight we had years ago where you stomped my ass. Pretty sure you’ve gotten stronger since then and for her, I can imagine the beating I’d get.”

“You could always ask her ex-best friend. But, careful…she broke his nose with a right hook.”

“Oh, I believe you. But, damn you for asking first, she was fucking hot as hell while playing.”

“Oh, I’m aware of that.”

Taylor came in with a few others and they were apparently fixing dinner for everyone as they were getting a list together and then Taylor and Adam were headed to the store. Since my group was done early I called Taylor to see what I could do, and we got tasked with making sure we had drinks.

Gabby and Isaac came in about 5, both shivering and seeking heat.

“Bonfire is built.” Isaac said.

“How short did you make it Mr. safety?” Jerry asked.

“I didn’t build it, I left that to the expert there who managed to build some fire stack taller than me.”

Gabby just smiled, pyro that she was I expected nothing less.

“But, I gotta change pants because I totally slipped on some snow and busted my ass on the ground.” She said.

“Hope it didn’t hurt.” Jerry said.

“Eh, it wasn’t bad. I’ve had far worse done.”

Yeah, everyone in the room looked at me. “What? She never said I did anything.”

“You guys should know better, Mr. Vanilla wouldn’t leave a mark if he had it his way.”

I shrugged. “I’ve gotten better what can I say.”

She just smiled and walked out, sure enough the entire back of the jeans had mud on them. I gave her a few minutes before I followed, who cared what they thought.


I was pretty sure he’d follow me, so I went ahead and changed. I did rinse the pants out just so they wouldn’t stain but he was sitting on the bed when I came out.

“Far worse huh?”

“Not by you.”

“I didn’t marry you to abuse you.”

I slipped between his knees easily and kissed him. “Sometimes I don’t mind.”

“I do though, even if you don’t.”

“Did you arrange for the little shocker?”

“Nope, that was all Austin. I didn’t even know they were showing up until they did.”

“I’ll thank Sierra when we get back then, because Austin’s never even mentioned them and I’m sure he didn’t set that up.”

He simply smiled at me and kissed me, must say I liked that response.

“No bad calls?”

I shrugged. “Scarlet sent a message after I posted the picture, asked me who I fucked for that. I told her you. I should have said Sierra.”

“None of their business.”

“So, Taylor said he was doing burgers. Ike and I set up the grill in a pretty good spot. After that we can set fire to the wood and have a good old fashion campfire song going.”

“Jerry and John didn’t bother you did they?”

“Nope. John asked for the number but I told him to ask you, he didn’t did he?”

“Nope. He won’t either. There just not use to our wives being here.”

I laughed. “They are not use to you being married, period.”

“That they’re not. Just wanted to make sure they didn’t bother you. Imani seems to think you hate her, little bit of a strong reaction there.”

“I just didn’t like the way she was touchy feely, but I’ll talk to her.”

“I guess I should go help, I heard Taylor’s voice.”

“I’m going to change shirts and then I’ll be back out.”

He kissed me again and I let him up. I really didn’t want to worry him here, there was plenty of play and goofing off, but for the most part everyone was really working. Writing songs, writing music and even recording. It wouldn’t be good to have him worry if I left. Not that I really needed too, I’d been here a few times and didn’t find much interesting but the mountains and I’d gone up there yesterday.

The bad texts hadn’t all been about the picture with the two band members. One had been an e-mail I received as Simon had seen and read the People magazine article and he was not happy. I’d gotten an e-mail initially with a bunch of put downs and negative thoughts, nothing overt or threatening. But, that email he seemed to not believe the wedding was real.

The second e-mail, just a few hours later, was much worse. He was furious. Simon hadn’t ever indicated that marriage was his goal, in fact he hated that idea of being tied to one person. Yet, clearly it was a cardinal sin to him for me to marry someone else. Aside from the marriage he was furious about the disk being turned over to the police, he was getting a lot of heat from both his dealers and suppliers, because most were being raided and warrants served. Some had even been arrested.

Yet the e-mail had seemed non-threatening until the end, evidently Max had told him about the miscarriage, that seemed to escalate his fury to a whole new level. The e-mail turns to flat out threats. I had a week to leave Zac and come to him, seven days to do the right thing and come home. He never said what would happen but it was clear that depending on how he felt, it may not be me he comes after.

I’d forwarded the e-mail to Detective Mabis and Myers, but it was an e-mail and while it was Simon’s account they’d have to prove it before charges were filed, but they would add it. I hadn’t told Zac about the e-mail yet because what would Simon do? I finally changed my shirts and headed to the front.

“What can I do Chef Taylor?”

He smiled. “I’m giving you slicing duty, I know you rock those quickly.”

“That I do.”

It took a few moments to find the ingredients and then get to peeling and chopping.

“I didn’t know you had a tattoo.” Imani said.

I hadn’t even realized the shirt was that low. “Yeah, I have a locket and key.”

“Nice, is it something I can better see?”

“Not with all these dudes here.”

I got my phone and showed her the picture though, because Zac had taken it when the key had healed.

“Nice, the key doesn’t look like it fits.”

“It’s not the key to the locket, that one goes to another one.”

“Key to his heart perhaps?”

I simply smiled because no one knew Zac even had one. He’d been careful and the only person that ever sees him topless is me. We ended up talking as she made a potato salad. It was pleasant and nice, the guys were all outside around the grill. So we had the whole kitchen to move around and get things done. I had the onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and other things fixed for the burgers including having cheese ready. We opted to sit inside and eat though and I know I was over eating but his burgers were as good as Zac’s!

Once we were done eating three of the guys volunteered to clean up and the rest of us chatted there until they were done and then we headed outside. I let Zac set that pile on fire and it had ten foot flames. They were awesome!

Carrick brought the guitar and the guys had a bit of a singing jamboree, Zac did Marshmallow Lover as I toasted a few. Eating the gooey sticky candy as soon as it was done enough. Isaac actually made a smores to die for but eventually I was feeling stuffed and couldn’t eat anything else.

“Do you not sing?” John asked.

He was looking at me and I just smiled. “I don’t want to put the rest of you to shame.”

“Little arrogant there aren’t you?”

“She had a good singing voice, pretty good at heavy metal rock stuff.” Isaac said.

He glanced at Isaac and then me. “Do you listen to anything besides that?”

“Yeah, I listen to a wide variety but that genre is my favorite.”

“Why not play something?”

I glanced around. “There aren’t any drums out here and I’m not setting them up and taking them back in.”

He was sufficiently distracted and the snowball that hit him squarely in the side of the head was thrown by Zac. That devolved a friendly chatting and goofing off into a snowball fight. Which Hanson won and I rather stayed dry. Although, Zac hadn’t fared so well and his entire shirt was soaked, he was standing near the flames when Taylor brushed over the shirt, muttering dirt but then he looked confused.

“That’s not dirt.”

Zac pulled the shirt away before anyone else noticed and Taylor didn’t say anything. He went inside and changed and came back in a darker t-shirt. I moved to his lap, which was a good spot. I felt his lips on my ear, warm air over my cold ear.

“When were you going to tell me about Simon’s e-mail?”

Shit! I must have left it open. “When you weren’t busy here.”

“Baby, that’s a little more than just insults. That’s more serious.”

“Doesn’t matter, I sent the email to the detectives, nothing they can do unless they can prove he sent it.”

“Well, it matters to us because he made a threat Gabby.”

“And you’ll what? Lock me in the studio? Lock me in the apartment? I can’t be bullet proof everywhere I go.”

“No, but it’s nice to be aware of what’s going on. Don’t tempt me on the locking you in the apartment, more specifically the bedroom, on the bed.”

I giggled. “Naked of course?”

“Of course.”

“So, we’ll alert everyone and let them know he’s not totally happy.”

“I’m about to freeze out here, the fire is dying down.”

“Let’s head inside then.”

We did go inside and I got a cup of hot tea and sat down, but Taylor and Isaac came up.

“What did you do?” Taylor asked.

“ must be more specific.” Zac said.

“The non-moving things on your chest. Come on Zac, I saw it outside.”

He looked at me and then them. “It’s a tattoo.”

“It’s a what?” Isaac asked.

“I got a tattoo, I’ve had it since November actually. Um, she gave me the key to hers and I drew my heart and she added the key to hers.”

“You have one?” Taylor asked.

“I have a locket in a place you can’t see, I drew it for the artist but I never drew the key. Not until November. I told him he didn’t have too but it was his choice.”

He showed them quickly before anyone else came inside.

“I drew the heart and a key, she took my key and I took hers. It’s not like I go topless often.”

“Least it has meaning.” Isaac said.

“Very personal meaning, yeah. I just felt that it was the right thing to do.”

“We can’t see yours at all?” Isaac asked.

I used the picture he’d taken to show them, because I wasn’t about to raise or lower a shirt here. Once their curiosity was squashed we headed down to the bedroom to head to bed. It was early but he’d been up late several days and up early, so extra rest wouldn’t hurt. Taylor and Isaac went back outside to spend a few more hours with the others and to make sure the fire was put out properly.

I was pleased with the time alone here, just cuddling and sleeping.

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